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IELTS Task 1 structure and types, with samples • HamroSaathi

IELTS Task 1 structure and types, with samples

Estimated reading: 5 minutes 66 views

Summary: In the IELTS writing test, Task 1 is a task that requires you to describe and summarize data or information presented in a visual form, such as a graph, table, etc

In the IELTS writing test, Task 1 is a task that requires you to describe and summarize data or information presented in a visual form, such as a graph, table, chart, or diagram. Here is a suggested structure for writing a Task 1 essay:

  1. Introduction: Begin your essay with a brief introduction that explains what the data or information is about. This should be a general overview that sets the context for the rest of your essay.
  2. Overview: In the next paragraph, provide an overview of the main trends or patterns that are shown in the data or information. This should be a summary of the most important points, rather than a detailed description of every element.
  3. Details: In the following paragraphs, go into more detail about the specific features or aspects of the data or information. This is where you can describe specific points, compare and contrast different elements, or explain any significant changes or trends.
  4. Conclusions: End your essay with a conclusion that summarizes the main points and provides some context or analysis. You can also include your own thoughts or opinions on the data or information, as long as they are supported by the evidence presented in the essay.

It is important to remember that Task 1 essays should be concise and focused, and should not exceed 150 words. Make sure to use appropriate language and follow the required structure to present your ideas clearly and effectively.

In an academic writing task 1, the introduction should typically include:

  1. A brief overview of the main features of the diagram or data presented
  2. A clear and concise overview of the main points that you will be discussing in your essay
  3. Any relevant background information that will help the reader understand the context of the diagram or data

Academic writing task 1 types

In the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, you will be asked to describe and summarize data or information presented in a visual form, such as a graph, table, chart, or diagram. The specific type of data or information you are asked to write about may vary, but here are some common types of Task 1 prompts:

  1. Line graph: A line graph shows changes over a period of time. You may be asked to describe trends, patterns, or changes in data such as population, sales, or temperature.
  2. Bar chart: A bar chart compares data across categories or groups. You may be asked to describe differences, proportions, or trends in data such as income, expenditures, or employment.
  3. Pie chart: A pie chart shows the proportions of a whole. You may be asked to describe the distribution or composition of data such as market share, budget allocation, or population demographics.
  4. Table: A table presents data in rows and columns. You may be asked to describe trends, patterns, or comparisons in data such as prices, statistics, or test scores.
  5. Diagram: A diagram may show a process, system, or structure. You may be asked to describe the components, functions, or steps in a process or to explain how something works.

Regardless of the specific type of data or information you are asked to write about, it is important to follow the required structure and use appropriate language to present your ideas clearly and effectively.

Here is an example of a Task 1 prompt that involves a diagram:

You are required to write a report describing the process of recycling plastic bottles.

The diagram below shows the process of recycling plastic bottles.

[Diagram shows the process of recycling plastic bottles, beginning with collection, then sorting, washing, melting, and remolding into new products]

In your report, you should:

  • Describe the process of recycling plastic bottles as shown in the diagram
  • Explain how each step in the process contributes to the overall goal of recycling

Here is an example of a possible response to this prompt:

The process of recycling plastic bottles is shown in the diagram. The process begins with the collection of used bottles from households, businesses, and other sources. The collected bottles are then sorted by type and color to ensure that they can be processed efficiently.

Next, the sorted bottles are washed to remove any dirt or contaminants that may be present. This is an important step, as contaminants can interfere with the recycling process and reduce the quality of the recycled material.

After washing, the bottles are melted down and reshaped into pellets or other forms that can be used to make new products. The melted plastic is then molded into various shapes, such as bottles, containers, or other products, using special equipment.

Overall, the process of recycling plastic bottles involves several steps that are designed to recover and reuse the raw materials in an efficient and environmentally-friendly manner. By collecting, sorting, washing, melting, and remolding used bottles, we can reduce our reliance on new resources and minimize waste.

Diagram: The Process of Photosynthesis

The diagram illustrates the process of photosynthesis, which is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy.

The process begins with the absorption of light energy by chlorophyll, which is found in the chloroplasts of plant cells. This energy is used to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) into glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2).

The glucose is then used by the plant as an energy source, while the oxygen is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct.

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