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Strategies • Reading • IELTS • HamroSaathi


Estimated reading: 1 minute 58 views

Summary: The IELTS Reading exam is probably different from the English reading tests you've taken in school.

The IELTS Reading exam is probably different from the English reading tests you’ve taken in school. Most of the time, reading exams involve carefully reading a passage from beginning to end, and then answering comprehension questions about it. In theory, this is also what you should do not the IELTS Reading paper.

Strategy 1: Skim each passage for 3 to 5 minutes before looking at the questions.

Strategy 2: As you skim, underline keywords in the text and write short notes as reminders in the text.

Strategy 3: Study the questions, noticing keywords, and SCAN the text next strategically for answers.

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