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IELTS task 2 structure and types, with samples • HamroSaathi

IELTS task 2 structure and types, with samples

Estimated reading: 6 minutes 80 views

Summary: In the IELTS writing test, Task 2 is an essay writing task in which you are asked to write an essay in response to a prompt.

In the IELTS writing test, Task 2 is an essay writing task in which you are asked to write an essay in response to a prompt. Here is a suggested structure for writing a Task 2 essay:

  1. Introduction: Begin your essay with an introduction that clearly states the main topic or issue and provides some background information. You should also include a thesis statement that presents your main argument or position on the topic.
  2. Body paragraphs: In the body of your essay, you should present your ideas and arguments in support of your thesis. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific point or idea, and should include evidence and examples to support your argument. Make sure to use transitional words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a logical flow.
  3. Conclusion: End your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and restates your thesis. You can also include your own thoughts or opinions on the topic, as long as they are supported by the evidence presented in the essay.

It is important to remember that Task 2 essays should be well-organized and well-written, and should not exceed 250 words. Make sure to use appropriate language and follow the required structure to present your ideas clearly and effectively.

Types of Academic writing task 2

In academic writing task 2, you will typically be asked to write an essay in response to a prompt or question. There are several different types of prompts that you may encounter, including:

  1. Opinion essay: In this type of essay, you will be asked to state your opinion on a particular issue and provide reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  2. Discuss both sides: In this type of essay, you will be asked to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of a particular issue or topic.
  3. Problem and solution: In this type of essay, you will be asked to describe a problem and suggest ways to solve it.
  4. Agree or disagree: In this type of essay, you will be asked to either agree or disagree with a statement or claim, and provide reasons and examples to support your position.
  5. Compare and contrast: In this type of essay, you will be asked to compare and contrast two or more ideas, concepts, or phenomena.


Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is to increase the number of sports facilities. Others, however, believe that other measures, such as better education about healthy lifestyles, are more effective. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Sports facilities, such as swimming pools and gyms, can certainly contribute to the improvement of public health by providing people with access to physical activity and exercise. However, it is also important to consider the effectiveness of other measures, such as education about healthy lifestyles, in promoting public health.

On the one hand, increasing the number of sports facilities can have a positive impact on public health by providing people with the opportunity to engage in regular physical activity. This can help to reduce the risk of conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, as well as improving overall physical fitness and mental well-being. In addition, sports facilities can serve as a social hub for communities, bringing people together and promoting a sense of connection and belonging.

On the other hand, it is also important to recognize the limitations of sports facilities in promoting public health. While they may provide a place for people to exercise, they do not necessarily address the root causes of poor health, such as unhealthy diet and lack of knowledge about healthy habits. In this sense, education about healthy lifestyles may be a more effective approach to improving public health. For example, providing people with information about the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management can empower them to make healthy choices in their daily lives.

In my opinion, both sports facilities and education about healthy lifestyles are important in promoting public health. While sports facilities provide a tangible place for people to engage in physical activity, education can help to create a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to good health and enable people to make informed choices about their own health. Therefore, it is important to consider both approaches in developing strategies to improve public health.

Another sample for discuss both views:

Prompt: Some people argue that the use of animals in scientific research is necessary for the advancement of medicine and science, while others believe that it is unethical and should be banned. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The use of animals in scientific research has been a controversial issue for many years, with proponents arguing that it is necessary for the advancement of medicine and science, and opponents arguing that it is unethical and should be banned.

On the one hand, proponents of animal testing argue that it is a vital tool for understanding biological processes and developing new treatments for diseases. Without the use of animals in research, it would be difficult to gain insights into the causes and potential treatments of conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. In addition, animal testing has contributed to many important medical breakthroughs, such as the development of vaccines and the identification of the mechanisms of diseases.

On the other hand, opponents of animal testing argue that it is unethical to use animals for research purposes, as they are sentient beings that deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. They argue that alternatives to animal testing, such as in vitro testing and computer modeling, should be used instead. In addition, opponents point out that animal testing is often unreliable, as results from animal studies do not always translate to humans, and that it is often expensive and time-consuming.

In my opinion, while animal testing has contributed to important advances in medicine and science, it is important to consider the ethical implications of this practice. While it may be necessary in some cases, it is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks, and to use alternatives whenever possible. In addition, it is important to ensure that animals are treated humanely and with respect, and to minimize suffering whenever possible.

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